





蛇口国际学校(Shekou International School,简称“SIS”)是一所纯外籍一贯制IB学校,成立于1988年1月,是由一家石油公司组成的合资公司创建。学校成立后不久,赞助公司就与位于新泽西州普林斯顿的非营利性教育组织International Schools Services(ISS)签约来运营这所学校(ISS成立于1955年,现已发展成为全球最受认可的国际学校服务提供商)。学校在接下来的几年里迅速发展,2004年,创始公司与SIS签约,完全获取了学校的所有权和管理权。 作为深圳第一所国际学校,SIS有着在充满爱心的社区中提供严谨学习的悠久传统。自1988年从12名学生开始,SIS发展至今已有近1050名在校学生,学生来自43 个不同的国家,包括美国、加拿大、韩国、香港、法国、德国和意大利。 自1992年以来,SIS连续获得美国西部学校和学院协会(WASC) 的认证。通过该认证意味着该校被全球认可,其学生满足转学或升学到美国或世界其它国家优质学校的标准。2010 年,SIS被授权为国际文凭世界学校,提供 IB文凭课程。 深圳蛇口国际学校因其国际认可的学习创新课程而被指定为Apple杰出学校。SIS还是东亚地区学校理事会(EARCOS)、国际教育促进会(AAIE)和中蒙国际学校协会(ACAMIS)组织的成员。




Admissions Policy
Grade Level Placement Policy

To ensure an educational program suitable for all SIS students, students are placed in grade levels after due consideration of grade level at previous school, age, emotional, developmental and physical maturity, and academic level. Any or all of the following may be considered in determining proper placement: evaluation of previous school records, academic testing, results of screening by a counselor and/or trial placement in an age appropriate grade level. There may be times when a student excels beyond the grade level standard in a particular subject. In this case, SIS will provide a program to ensure that the student is appropriately challenged. The final placement decision is made by the principal. Typically, students arriving in the early part of the school year (by December) from southern hemisphere schools or schools with a different school year calendar (i.e. January to November vs. August to June) will be placed in the grade level which they are currently attending. Above-described students arriving after December 1st will be placed in the grade they have just completed, providing they meet the admission requirements.

The academic progress of students in Kindergarten and Grade 1 who do not complete a full year in the SIS program will be reviewed by the end of the year to ensure proper grade level placement for the following year.

Admission Status

The Director will inform parents of one of the following admission decisions:

 - If a student has qualified and if space allows, the student will be placed in the appropriate grade level.

Wait Pool
 -If an applicant meets SIS admission requirements but is applying for enrollment in a grade level that is full, that applicant will be placed in the wait pool for his/her class. Based on the factors considered for admission decisions, a student’s position in the wait pool may change if there are subsequent applications from families with higher priority. Students will remain in the wait pool for the academic year for which they have applied. If a seat is not found for the applicant within that academic year, parents may apply for the following academic year by contacting the admissions office by the first school day in February. Applications will not automatically roll over to the following academic year.

Not Accepted - The applicant does not meet SIS eligibility and requirements for admission at this time. The decision is based on one or more of the before-mentioned criteria. 

Early Years Placement Policy

At Early Years we believe that children learn best in environments suited to their ages and stages of development. For Nursery, PreK-1 and PreK-2 we adhere to an October 31st cutoff for birthdays. For example children must be 3 on or before October 31st to enter PreK-1. Early Years has three age groupings:

Nursery for children whose ages range from two to three and a half.

PreK-1 for children whose ages range from three to four and a half. 

PreK-2 for children whose ages range from four to five and half. 

Grade Placement By Age—General Guidelines

SIS Class

Age at Entry

US Grade




Early Years


2 yrs


3 yrs



4 yrs





*Kindergarten and 1st Grade students applying new to SIS may enroll if turning age five or six respectively on or before October 31st. Please note children who enroll from schools with an academic calendar different from August to June (for example, January to November) will be placed in the grade in which they are currently enrolled if enrolling at the beginning of the school year in August. Mid-year applicants will be enrolled in the grade which they have just completed.

Tuition & Fees


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